Previous Conventions

2024 COFI Convention


Chief Terry Teegee, Regional Chief, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations Moderator: Shannon Janzen, Owner, Hypha Consulting



Economic & Investment Outlook: Are We There Yet?

  • Daryl Swetlishoff, Senior Managing Director, Raymond James
  • Kimberly Burns, Partner, Dentons

Moderator: Kurt Niquidet, Vice President and Chief Economist, COFI



Building Workforce Resilience Through Diversity

  • Jason Krips, President & CEO, Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA)
  • Louise Bender, Vice President, People & Administration, MOSAIC Forest Management



B.C.’s Strategy for Stabilizing Fibre Supply:

  • Bruce Ralston, BC Minister of Forests
  • Andrew Mercier, BC Minister of State for Sustainable Forestry Innovation
  • Lennard Joe, CEO, BC First Nations Forestry Council

Moderator: Linda Coady, President & CEO, COFI



Arun Alexander, Canada’s Deputy Ambassador to the United States

Moderator: Susan Yurkovich, Senior Vice President, Global Business Development, Canfor



Wildfires, Biodiversity and Natural Disturbances: Building a More Resilient Forest Sector

  • Jamie Stephen, Managing Director, TorchLight Resources
  • Keith Atkinson, Board Chair, Forest Practices Board
  • Jeff Bromley, Wood Council Chairperson, United Steelworkers
  • Molly Hudson, VP, Sustainability & Chief Forester, MOSAIC

Moderator: Sandy Ferguson, Advisor, Bioeconomy Initiatives, Foresight Canada



A Conversation with Industry Leaders

  • Sean McLaren, President & CEO, West Fraser
  • Steven Hofer, President & CEO, Western Forest Products
  • Nick Arkle, CEO, Gorman Group
  • Dallas Smith, President and Chairman of the Board, Nanwakolas Council Society
  • Robert Dennis Sr., Former Chief Councillor, Huu-ay-aht First Nations

Moderator: Sandy Ferguson, Advisor, Bioeconomy Initiatives, Foresight Canada



Forestry’s Role in Climate Resilient Housing and Communities

  • Don Iveson, Executive Advisor, Climate Investing and Community Resilience, Co-operators Insurance

Moderator: Zara Rabinovitch, Director, Sustainability, COFI



From Crisis to Consensus: How Wildfires are Changing the Public Conversation on Forestry

  • David Coletto, Chair and CEO of Abacus Data

Moderator: David Elstone, Managing Director, Spar Tree Group and Publisher, View From The Stump



Forestry’s Future from a Local Government Perspective

  • Simon Yu, Mayor, Prince George
  • Brian Frenkel, Councillor, District of Vanderhoof
  • Susan Sinnott, Councillor, Campbell River

Moderator: Lisa Dominato, Councillor, City of Vancouver



Old Growth, Biodiversity, Conservation Financing and Three Zone Management: Connecting-the-Dots on the Managed Landscape

  • Lori Halls, Deputy Minister, B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
  • Al Gorley, Former Chair, Forest Practices Board and Co-Author of Old Growth Strategic Review

Moderator: Michael Armstrong, Vice President and Chief Forester, COFI



Hon. David Eby, Premier of British Columbia

Moderator: Linda Coady, President & CEO, COFI

2023 COFI Convention

Keynote: Regional Chief Terry Teegee, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations

Session: Reality Check – What is Going On?

David Elstone Topic: An Industry in Transition: There is No Going Back

David Coletto Topic: New World, New Public Expectations in British Columbia and Canada


Session: Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain Networks
  • Kelly Levis, Vice President – Industrial Products, CN
  • Kurt Slocombe, Vice President, Operations, Planning and Infrastructure, Prince Rupert Port Authority
  • Mitchell Zulinick, Co-CEO and COO, Arrow Transportation


Session: The Future of Work – Sustainable Jobs
  • Rod Bianchini, Chief Strategy and Compliance Officer, SkilledTradesBC
  • Dr. Caroline Dépatie, Associate Dean, Natural Resources and Environment, School of Construction and Environment, BCIT
  • Tricianne Kasubuchi, Director of Talent Development, Canfor
  • Clyde Scollen, Business Development, BC Regional Council of Carpenters

Lunch and Keynote: BC Minister of Forests, Hon. Bruce Ralston


Session: Forest-tech and Digitizing Solutions for BC and the World
  • Dominik Roeser, Program Director, Forest Resources Management & Forest Operations Programs, Department of Forest Resources Management, UBC


Session: CEO Panel
  • Ray Ferris, President and CEO, West Fraser
  • Chief Sharleen Gale, Chair of the Board, First Nations Major Projects Coalition
  • Stew Gibson, Chief Operating Officer, Paper Excellence
  • Greg Stewart, President, Sinclar Group


Armchair Dialogue: New Approaches to Land Use Planning in BC – Putting the Pieces Together
  • Hon. Nathan Cullen, BC Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship


Session: Modernizing and Growing Sustainability in BC’s Forest Industry
  • Lennard Joe, CEO, BC First Nations Forestry Council
  • Paul Rasmussen, President, Interior Lumber Manufacturers’ Association
  • Melissa Sanderson, Assistant Deputy Minister, BC Ministry of Forests


Spotlight Session with Sue Paish, CEO, Digital Technology Supercluster


Session: Winning Market Share in a Carbon Constrained World
  • Rick Jeffery, President and CEO, Canadian Wood Council
  • Doug Rooke, General Manager, Winton Homes
  • Mark Zacharias, Executive Director, Clean Energy Canada


Session: Carbon and Timber: Competition or collaboration?
  • Francois Dufresne, President and CEO, FSC Canada
  • Domenico Iannidinardo, SVP, Forest & Climate and Chief Forester, Mosaic Forest Management
  • Laura Smith, Forest and Climate Specialist, Nature United 


Keynote: Hon. David Eby, Premier of British Columbia


2022 COFI Convention

Hon. Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests

Tracy Robinson, President and CEO, CN

  • Keynote: Canada in the Changing Global Landscape: Key Risks & Opportunities for the Forest Products Sector
    • Robert Johnston, Special Advisor, Energy, Climate and Resources, Eurasia Group
  • Keynote: Navigating Choppy Waters: BC and Canada’s Economic Opportunity in an Uncertain World
    • Jock Finlayson, Senior Policy Advisor, Business Council of British Columbia
  • Spotlight: The Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Global Lumber Markets
    • Paul Jannke, Principal, Lumber, Forest Economic Advisors

Hon. Harjit Sajjan, Minister of International Development

Spotlight: Dr. Wenran Jiang, President, Canada-China Energy & Environment Forum


  • From Net-Zero to Zero Waste: BC Forest Products – a Better Choice for the Planet
    • Kathy Abusow, President and CEO, Sustainable Forestry Initiative
    • Rocky Sethi, COO Mass Timber Lead for Adera Development
    • Graham Kissack, VP, Environment, Health & Safety and Corporate Communications, Paper Excellence
  • A Conversation with our CEOs
    • Don Kayne, President and CEO, Canfor
    • Ray Ferries, President and CEO, West Fraser
    • John Mohammed, President and Owner, A&A Trading Ltd.

Regional Chief Terry Teegee, BC Assembly of First Nations


  • Keynote: Playing to Win: Purposeful Economic Growth for Canadians
    • Carolyn Wilkinson, Coalition for a Better Future Advisory Council Member
  • Spotlight: Forest Futures: Maintaining Momentum Toward Economic Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
    • JP Gladu, Principal, Mokwateh
  • Readying the Future Faces of Forestry
    • Jeff Bromely, Chair, Wood Council, United Steelworkers
    • Wayne Hand, Dean, School of Construction and the Environment, BCIT
    • Dr. Robert Kozak, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Forestry, UBC

Luncheon Keynote: Hon. John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia.

2021 COFI Convention

Hon. Katrine Conroy
Minister of Forests, Land, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

Keynote Address from Kirsten Hillman

Ambassador of Canada to the United States

The Path Forward: Perspectives from BC Regional Chief Terry Teegee

Reconciliation Through Partnerships

Robert J. Dennis Sr.

Chief Councillor, Huu-ay-aht First Nations

Brian Butler

President, United Steelworkers Local 1-1937

Don Demems

President & CEO, Western Forest Products

Moderated by Shannon Janzen

Vice President & Chief Forester, Western Forest Products

Conversation with CEO’s

Ray Ferris

President & CEO, West Fraser

Don Kayne

President & CEO, Canfor Corporation

Jeff Zweig

President & CEO, Mosaic Forest Management


Hon. John Horgan

Premier of British Columbia

2020 COFI Convention

The 2020 COFI Convention was cancelled due to the global pandemic.

2019 COFI Convention

Hon. Doug Donaldson

Minister of Forests, Land, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

Keynote Address from Robert Johnston

Managing Director, Global Energy & Natural Resources, Eurasia Group

Economic Review and Outlook for Canada and B.C.

Jock Finlayson

Executive Vice President & Chief Policy Officer, Business Council of British Columbia

Markets Update Panel

Bart Bender

Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Interfor

Chris McIver

Vice President, Sales & Marketing, West Fraser

Kevin Pankratz

Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Canfor

Don McGregor

Vice President, Sales & Wholesale Supply, Western Forest Products

Moderated by Michael Loseth

President & CEO, Forestry Innovation Investment

Luncheon Keynote Address by Ambassador David MacNaughton

Canada’s Ambassador to the United States

Spotlight Sessions: Technology

Charles Lavigne

CEO & Co-Founder, LlamaZOO

Spotlight Sessions: Partnerships

JP Gladu

President & CEO, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business

Discussion with Deputies

Beth MacNeil

Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Forest Service

John Allan

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development

Moderated by Mark Feldinger

Senior Vice President, Global Supply Chain, Canfor

CEO Panel

Don Demens

President & CEO, Western Forest Products

Don Kayne

President & CEO, Canfor

Ted Seraphim

President & CEO, West Fraser

Moderated by Jess Ketchum

President, Ketchum Communications

Perspectives from Future Forestry Leaders

Ethan Griffin

Production Superintendent, Interfor

Fiona McDonald

Communications Specialist, Conifex Timber Inc.

Quinn Miller

Energy Engineer, West Fraser

Amy Rose

Indigenous Relations Manager, Canfor

Panel Session: Reconciliation and the Forest Sector

Terry Teegee

Regional Chief, BC Assembly of First Nations

Doug Caul

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation

Celeste Haldane

Chief Commissioner, BC Treaty Commission

Derek Orr

Business Development Manager, Carrier Lumber

Moderated by Makenzie Leine

Vice President of Business Development & Indigenous Partnerships, A&A Trading Ltd.

Luncheon Keynote Address by Hon. John Horgan

Premier of British Columbia

2018 COFI Convention

Hon. Doug Donaldson

Minister of Forests, Land, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

Keynote Speech from Hon. Marc Garneau

Canada’s Minister of Transport, Chair of Cabinet Committee on Canada-US Relations

International Markets Review

Paul Jannke

Principal, Forest Economic Advisor LLC (US)

Kevin Pankratz

Senior Vice President, Canfor

Paul Newman

Executive Director, Market Access & Trade, COFI

Moderated by Derek Nighbor

President & CEO, Forest Products Association of Canada

Softwood Lumber Board Update

Duncan Davies

President & CEO, Interfor

Luncheon – Keynote Speaker

The Shifting Economic Landscape in Canada and British Columbia

Jock Finlayson

Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer, Business Council of BC

BC Ministers Panel

Hon. Doug Donaldson

Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

Hon. George Heyman

Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

Hon. Bruce Ralston

Minister of Jobs, Trade & Technology

Moderated by Greg D’Avignon

President & CEO, Business Council of BC

Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster and Why it Matters for Forestry

Dean Prelazzi

Business Development Lead, Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster

Presentation from BC’s Chief Forester

Diane Nichols

ADM & Chief Forester, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development

Panel Discussion with CEOs

Don Kayne

CEO, Canfor

Ted Seraphim

President and CEO, West Fraser

Greg Stewart

President and CEO, Sinclar Group Forest Products Ltd.

Moderator: Jess Ketchum

President, Ketchum Communications

Keynote Address by Hon. John Horgan

Premier of British Columbia

Welcome from the Canadian Forest Service

Beth MacNeil

Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Forest Service

Forestry Jobs for Today and Tomorrow

Kara Biles

Manager, Learning & Talent, Canfor

Shelley Gray

Chief Operating Officer, Industry Training Authority

Derek Orr

Business Development Manager, Carrier Lumber

Mark Stock

Senior Vice President, Human Resources & Information Technology, Interfor

Moderator: Sandy Ferguson

Vice President, Corporate Development, Conifex

Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Valuing BC’s Forests for the Future

Bruce Anderson

Chair, Abacus Data

2017 COFI Convention

Minister Steve Thomson

Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

Turbulent Times: Our Economic Prospects in an Uncertain World

Jock Finlayson

Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer, Business Council of BC

International Markets Review

Paul Jannke

Principal, Forest Economic Advisor LLC (US)

Eric Wong

Managing Director, Canada Wood Beijing Office (China)

Peter Bradfield

Technical Advisor, Forestry Innovation Investment (India)

Russell E. Taylor

President, Wood Markets (Russia)

Luncheon – Keynote Speaker

Increments of Change: From early tall wood buildings to a global movement

Michael Green

Principal, MGA | Michael Green Architecture

Best Practices in Partnering with First Nations

Chief Derek Orr

McLeod Lake Indian Band

Willie Sellars

Councillor, Williams Lake Indian Band

Karen Brandt

Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability, Interfor

Moderator: Lisa Mueller

CEO, All Nations Consulting Coaching / Creator of Nation2Nation Events

CEO Panel

Nick Arkle

Co-CEO, Gorman Group

Duncan Davies

President and CEO, Interfor

Don Kayne

President and CEO, Canfor

Ted Seraphim

President and CEO, West Fraser

Moderator: Jess Ketchum

Ketchum Communications

Community Leaders Breakfast Panel

Dale Bumstead

Mayor, City of Dawson Creek

Nancy Cooper

Mayor, City of Salmon Arm

Lyn Hall

Mayor, City of Prince George

Greg Moore

Mayor, City of Port Coquitlam / Board Chair, Metro Vancouver

Moderator: James Gorman

Vice President, Corporate & Government Relations, West Fraser

Leading Edge: Innovating for the Future

Rory Armes

Founder & CEO, Cumul8

Mark Gerberman

AR/VR Strategic Partnerships & Business Development, Finger Food Studios

Mike Wilcox

Co-Founder / COO, Spire Aerobotics

Moderator: Greg D’Avignon

President & CEO, Business Council of BC

Canada’s Trade Negotiations Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities for the Forestry Industry

Kirsten Hillman

Assistant Deputy Minister, Trade Policy & Negotiation, Global Affairs Canada

Moderator: David Emerson

BC’s Trade Envoy to the United States

Luncheon — Keynote Speaker

Honourable Christy Clark

Premier, Province of British Columbia

2016 COFI Convention

Presentations available for download will have a link beneath the speaker’s name and title.


Honourable Steve Thomson

Minister – Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

Setting the Stage for Competitiveness


Jock Finlayson

Executive Vice-President and Chief Policy Officer – BC Business Council

International Market Outlook


Paul Jannke

Principal, Lumber – Forest Economic Advisor LLC


Daryl Swetlishoff

Senior Managing Director – Raymond James Ltd., Equity Research

Luncheon – Keynote Speaker


Bruce Anderson

Chairman – Abacus Data

British Columbia Fibre Outlook


Tim Sheldan

Deputy Minister – Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations


Diane Nicholls

Chief Forester – Province of British Columbia

Health and Safety in the BC Forest Industry


Rob Moonen

CEO – BC Forest Safety Council


Barry Nakahara

Manager, Prevention Field Services – WorkSafeBC

Community Leaders Breakfast Panel


Lyn Hall

Mayor – City of Prince George


Walt Cobb

Mayor – City of Williams Lake


Doug Findlater

Mayor – City of West Kelowna


Lee Pratt

Mayor – City of Cranbrook

Innovation, New Products, Future Opportunities


Ken Shields

President & CEO – CONIFEX Timber Inc.


Glenn Mason

Assistant Deputy Minister – Natural Resources Canada

CEO Panel


Duncan Davies

President & CEO – Interfor Corporation


Ted Serephim

President & CEO – West Fraser


Ron Gorman

President & CEO – Gorman Bros.

Community Leaders Luncheon


Premier Christy Clark

Keynote Speaker

2015 COFI Convention

Session #1 – Global Economics & Market Outlook

Listen to audio, Session #1 (MP3)


Brendan Lowney

Principal, Forest Economic Advisors


Russ Taylor

President, Wood Markets Group


Mark Bishop

Senior VP, Timberlands Investment Management, Brookfield

Session #2 – Products to Markets – Transportation Essentials


Greg Rogge

Director Land Operations, Port Metro Vancouver


Matthew May

Vice President, BST Transportation Group


Mark Thomson

General Manager Transportation, West Fraser Timber

Session #3 – First Nations – The Changing Landscape

Listen to audio, Session #3 (MP3)


Dallas Smith

President and CEO, Nanwakolas Business Corp. and Nanwakolas Council


Derek Orr

Chief, McLeod Lake Indian Band & CEO DuzCho Logging


Corby Lamb

President, Capacity Forest Management – Manager Skul’qalt Forestry LP – Similkameen Indian Band

Session #4 – Further Expanding Wood Use Globally – Are we up for it ?


Guido Wimmers

Chair & Assoc. Professor, Integrated Wood Design Program – UNBC


Helen Goodland

Principal, Brantwood Consulting


Oliver Lang

Partner, Lang Wilson Practice in Architecture

Session #5 – Minister’s Address

Listen to audio, Session #5 (MP3)


Hon. Kerry-Lynne Findlay

Minister of National Revenue Canada

Session #6 – Fibre Supply Constraints & Opportunities

Listen to audio, Session #6 (MP3)


Murray Hall

Principal – Murray Hall Consulting, BC Fibre Supply


Mark Feldinger

Senior VP Energy, Environment, Transportation & Sourcing, Canfor


Dave Peterson

Assistant Deputy Minister & Chief Forester, Province of BC

Session #7 – Bio-Economy – Existing & Emerging Products & Markets

Listen to audio, Session #7 (MP3)


Trevor Stuthridge

Executive Vice-President, FP Innovations


Rod Albers

Manager Energy & Bio-Product Development, West Fraser


Jerry Ericsson

President, Diacarbon Energy Inc.


Sandy Ferguson

Vice-President, Corporate Development, Conifex

Session #8 – Minister’s Address

Listen to audio, Session #8 (MP3)


Hon. Steve Thomson

Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

Luncheon – Community Recognitions Luncheon


Keynote Speaker – Geoff Plant

Q.C., Gall Legge Grant & Munroe LLP

2014 COFI Convention

If you are interested in seeing a copy of any of these presentations, please contact us.

Session #1 – Global Economic Outlook


Patricia Mohr

Vice President, Economics & Commodity Market Specialist, Scotiabank Group

Session #2 – Economic Outlook for BC & Forest Sector


Glen Hodgson

Senior VP and Chief Economist, Conference Board of Canada

Session #3 – Training, Skills and Labour


Lynda Tarras

Deputy Minister, BC Public Service


Elaine Jensen

General Manager Human Resources, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.

Jason Fisher

Vice President, Dunkley Lumber

Luncheon Keynote Speaker


David Baxter

Urban Futures – “Widening Roots, Spreading Branches”

Session #4 – Bio-economy – What is The Next Big Opportunity for BC?


Ken Shields

President and CEO, Conifex Timber Inc.


John M. Christie

President, Vineyard Technology Consulting


Michael Rensing

Director, Renewable and Low Carbon Fuels, BC Ministry of Energy and Mines

Session #5 – Safety


James Gorman

President and CEO, COFI


Kerry Douglas

Corporate Safety Manager, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.


Alan Fitzpatrick

President, Nechako Green Energy Ltd.


Catherine Roome

President and CEO, BC Safety Authority

Session #6 – Asian Markets / Emerging Markets / North America Markets


Asian Markets – Paul Newman

Executive Director Market Access and Trade, COFI


Emerging Markets – Zoish Bengali

Director, India Market Development, Forestry Innovation Investment


North American Markets – Chris McIver

Vice President Lumber Sales and Corporate Development, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.

Session #7 – Forest Product and Building Code Innovations for Tomorrow’s Markets and Building Systems


Cameron McCartney

Program Leader, National Research Council Canada


Peter Lister

VP Forest Operations and Wood Products, FP Innovations


Peter Moonen

Sustainability Coordinator, Canadian Wood Council

Session #8 – CEO Panel


Ron Gorman

President & CEO, Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd.


Ted Seraphim

President & CEO, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.


Anne Giardini

President, Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd.

Luncheon Keynote Speaker:


The Hon. Steve Thomson

Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

2013 COFI Convention

If you are interested in seeing a copy of any of these presentations, please contact us.

Session #1 – Minister of Forests Address


The Hon. Steve Thomson

Minister of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations

Session #2 – Global Macro Economics


Russ Taylor

President, International Wood Markets Group


Daryl Swetlishoff

Sr. Managing Director, Equity Research – Raymond James Ltd.


Peter Woodbridge

President – Woodbridge Associates

Session #3 – Federal Minister of Natural Resources Address


The Hon. Joe Oliver

Minister of Natural Resources Canada

Session #4 – Timber Supply


Dave Peterson

Chief Forester and ADM – Province of BC


Mark Feldinger

Sr. VP Forestry/Environment & Energy – Canfor


Gerry Thiessen

Mayor – District of Vanderhoof

Luncheon with Keynote Speaker


Adrian Dix

The Leader of the Official Opposition

Session #5: Skills & Training


Kevin Evans

CEO – Industry Training Authority


Dr. George Iwama

President – University of Northern BC


Greg Stewart

Sinclar Group Forest Products Ltd.

Session #6 – Safety


Alistair Cook

Sr. Vice President Wood Products Operations Canada – Canfor


Al Johnson

Vice President Prevention Services – WorkSafeBC


Bob Matters

Chair – Wood Council – United Steelworkers


Reynold Hert

BC Forest Safety Council

Session #7 – Bio-Economy


Ken Shields

CEO – Conifex Timber Inc.


Bill Adams

Manager Engineering and Strategic Planning – Domtar Pulp


Rory Gilsenan

Chief, Resource Economics & Bioenergy – Natural Resources Canada


Michael Weedon

Executive Director – BC Bio-Energy Network

Session #8 – Markets & Trades


Jana Foit

Architect – Perkins + Will Architects


Wang Youwei

Architect – Perkins + Will Architects


Peter Moonen

Canadian Wood Council

Luncheon with Keynote Speaker


The Hon. Christy Clark

Premier – Province of British Columbia

2011 COFI Convention

If you are interested in seeing a copy of any of these presentations, please contact us.

Panel # 1 : Responding to Global Economic Forces

Hon. Pat Bell

Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation
Government of BC

Patricia M. Mohr

Vice-President, Economics & Commodity Market Specialist
The Scotiabank Group

Jock Finlayson

President – Sinclar Group
Forest Products and Board Member,
Northern Bioenergy Partnership

Panel # 2 : Pacific Rim Markets: Existing & Emerging Opportunities

Chongkeon Lee

Director Market Research
Korean Ministry of Forests joined by Ki-Soek Kim
Director General Korean Ministry of Land
Transportation & Maritime Affairs.

SV Divvaakar

Managing Partner joined by Pankaj Agrawal
Director Ace Global India

Mark Kruger

Head of Section
Economics & Finance
Canadian Embassy in China

Takayuki Namae

President & CEO Mitsui Home Co. Ltd & Chairman, Japan 2×4 Home Builders Association

Panel # 3 : Bioenergy Potential: Opportunities & Challenges

Doug Konkin

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

Alan Potter

Executive VP
FPInnovations British Columbia

Greg Stewart

President – Sinclar Group
Forest Products and Board Member,
Northern Bioenergy Partnership

Panel # 4 : Wood: The Green Building Material of Choice

Thomas Mueller

Canada Green Building Council

Mary Tracey

Executive Director
British Columbia WoodWORKS! Program
Canadian Wood Council

Michael Green

MGB Architecture

Luncheon Speaker

Doug Konkin

Deputy Minister,
Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
For the Hon. Steve Thomson, Minister of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations

2008 COFI Convention

If you are interested in seeing a copy of any of these presentations, please contact us.

Convergence of the Fuel, Food and Fibre Markets: A Forest Sector Perspective

Don Roberts

CIBC World Markets

Customer Panel : Customer’s Wants and Needs

Tom Dillon

Lowe’s Companies, Inc

Paul Dodge

Pro-Build Holdings Inc

Jim Bradshaw

Taiga Building Products

Hot Air – Climate Change Policy

Dr. Mark Jaccard

Simon Fraser University

Certification Panel – Selling the Brand

Ahmad Husseini and Paul Wooding

Canadian Standards Association

Antony Marcil

Forestry Stewardship Council

Karen Brandt

Sustainable Forestry Initiative

2007 COFI Convention

If you are interested in seeing a copy of any of these presentations, please contact us.

Panel # 1 : Competitiveness – A British Columbia Report Card

John Desjardins


Russ Taylor

International Wood Markets Group Inc.

Hank Ketcham

West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.

Panel #2 : Market Outlook – A World of Opportunity

Don Roberts

CIBC World Markets

Denis Hardman

APA – The Engineered Wood Association

Panel #3 : Mountain Pine Beetle & Industry Challenges

Ian de la Roche


Jim Todd


Greg Reimer

Ministry of Energy Mines & Petroleum Resources

Luncheon Speaker:

Honourable Gordon Campbell Premier

Province of British Columbia

Panel # 4 : Mountain Pine Beetle – Government’s Challenges

Don Fast

Ministry Economic Development

Doug Konkin

Ministry of Forests & Range

Panel # 5 : Mountain Pine Beetle – Communities’ Challenges

Donna Barnett

Don Bassermann

Dan George

John McCandless

Panel # 6 : Softwood Lumber Agreement 2006 – Six Months In

Michael O’Halloran

Western Wood Products Association

Paul Perkins


Don Wright

Analytica Consulting

Panel # 7 : Sustainability – Challenge or Opportunity?

John Nyboer

Simon Fraser University

Wayne Trusty

Athena Sustainable Materials Institute

Avrim Lazar

Forest Products Association of Canada

Panel # 8 Media – Public Perceptions of the Industry

Bruce Anderson

Decima Inc.

Gord Hoekstra

Prince George Citizen Newspaper

Vaughn Palmer

Vancouver Sun

2006 COFI Convention

If you are interested in seeing a copy of any of these presentations, please contact us.

Panel #1: International Markets Panel

Lars Sandberg

Timwood AB

Mike Thompson

Weyerhaeuser Asia

Glen Wilson


Panel #2: Domestic Markets Panel

Richard Haynes

USDA Forest Service

John Mikkelson

CTX Builders Supply, (Centex Homes)

Kelly McCloskey

Kelly McCloskey & Associates Ltd.

Panel #3: Response to Globalization

John Allan

President & CEO, COFI

Dan Miller

Co-Chair, BC Competition Council (Verbal presentation only)

Ken Baker

CEO, Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd.

Honourable Joseph Caron

Canadian Ambassador to Japan

Address by the Honourable Gordon Campbell

Honourable Gordon Campbell

Premier, Province of British Columbia

2005 COFI Convention

If you are interested in seeing a copy of any of these presentations, please contact us.

Panel #1: “State of BC’s Forest Industry”

Craig Campbell

Price Waterhouse Coopers

Reid Carter

Brascan Financial Corp.

Don Roberts

CIBC World Markets

Panel #2 : “Market Risks”

Bruce Anderson

Decima Inc.

Avrim Lazar

Forest Products Association of Canada

George Finkenstaedt

Lanoga Corporation

Panel #3: “Market Opportunities”

Pauline Rochefort

Canadian Wood Council

Paul Newman


Kelly McCloskey

Wood Promotion Network

Panel #4: “Global Supply & Demand”

John Allan


Russ Taylor

R.E. Taylor & Associates

Tom Temple

Canfor Corporation

Panel #5: “BC’s Forest Policy, Risks & Opportunities”

Dr. George Hoberg


Mayor Rick Gibson

City of Williams Lake

Doug Konkin

Ministry of Forests

Jim Shepherd

BC Forest Safety Council

Jock Finlayson

Business Council of British Columbia

Panel #8: “Forest Sector: Risks & Opportunities 2010 & Beyond”

Hank Ketcham

West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.

Hon. Michael de Jong

Minister of Forests

Honourable Frank McKenna

Ambassador of Canada to the United States

BC Council of Forest Industries (COFI)

TEL: 604-684-0211