BC’s forest industry is a world leader in sustainable forestry and is one of the most significant economic drivers in the province. Learn more about how the industry is adapting, evolving and innovating by visiting the insights and resources below.


A Path Forward for the Old Growth Review Process

As the B.C. government looks to begin consultations on the Old Growth Review, the United Steelworkers’ Wood Council and the B.C. Council of Forest Industries have joined together to offer a path forward that will benefit all British Columbians. The Steelworkers’ Wood...

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All British Columbia communities are forestry communities

What does a forester in Prince George, a drone maker in Vancouver and an environmental consultant in Victoria all have in common?  They all live and work in a forestry community.   The answer might surprise many people. However, B.C.’s forest industry’s deep...

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Stronger Together

We are pleased to advise you that the BC Council of Forest Industries [COFI] and the Coast Forest Products Association [CFPA] have decided to come together as one organization to create a stronger, unified voice for the B.C. forest industry. The forest industry has...

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BC Council of Forest Industries (COFI)

TEL: 604-684-0211
EMAIL: info@cofi.org